CHSE Physics Quiz-1: Electric Charges and Fields


Quiz-1: Electric Charges and Fields

1 / 5

The electric field intensity near a uniformly charged infinite plane thin non-conducting sheet with charge density $+\sigma$ placed in air is

2 / 5

The magnitude of force experienced by an electron placed at a point in the electric field $\vec{E}$ equals its weight $m\vec{g}$. The magnitude of $\vec{E}$ is

3 / 5

The value of $\frac{1}{4\pi\epsilon_0}$ in SI unit is

4 / 5

The distance between two charges distance $r$ apart in a vacuum is $F$. The force between the same charges distance $r/2$ apart in a vacuum is

5 / 5

The ratio of the electric field intensity due to an electric dipole at an axial point to that at an equatorial point at the same distance from the centre is

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